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Cevdet Yıldız hoca ve öğrencileri çalışma esnasında


  • Agatsu:  Self defeat.

  • AI:  harmony, unification

  • Ai Ki:  Universal fit.

  • Ai Ki-Do:  The lifestyle of universal harmony, the non-violent art of conservation.

  • Ai ki -taiso: Exercise separated from the self-protection movements of Aikido.

  • Aidoka:  A person who practices Aikido.

  • Ashi Sabaki:  Footwork. Footwork is very important in Aikido to provide strong balance and to benefit from ease of movement.

  • Atemia:  hit; stun

  • Ashi:  Foot, leg.

Hakama katlanış fotoğrafı


  • This:  War.

  • bokken:  Wooden sword (Bokuto).

  • budo:  warrior's way

Nebi Vural Sensei ve Cevdet Yıldız Sensei aynı karede


  • Chudan:  middle position.  

  • Chudan No Kamae:  Posture in which the hands or sword are in a central position relative to the body.

Nebi Vural Sensei tatami üzerinde öğrencisiyle birlikte çalışma yaparken


  • Daito Ryu:  The martial art that Ueshiba was trained in.

  • From:  Black belt grading.

  • Deshi:  Student.

  • Do:  The road, the way of life.

  • Dojo:  The hall, the place where martial arts are practiced.

  • Doshu:  It is used to mean the beginning of the road. It is the title given to the person at the beginning of Aikido. douche right now  grandson of MORIHEI UESHIBA  MORITERU UESHIBA  is.

  • Domo Arigato Gozaimashita:  Thank you in Japanese. (Thank you for working with me and improving yourself and me spiritually and technically.) Technical salutations given to the partner and trainer at the end of the lectures and technical courses in the dojos.

  • Dory:  Seeing.

  • File:  Movement.

  • Doshu:  Master of the road.

Nebi Vural Sensei öğrencisiyle birlikte çalışma yaparken


  • Funakogi:  Rowing.

  • Fukhishidoin:  A formal name meaning instructor's assistant.

Nebi Vural sensei Agatsu Dojo'da öğrencileriyle birlikteyken


  • Gedan:  Sub position.

  • Gedan No. Kamae:  Posture in which the hands or the weapon, if any, are held in the lower position.

  • Gi-Dogi-Keiko:  Training dress. Be it Judo or Karate style  gi  Valid in many Dojos. However, it should be white and cotton. It should not be black, satin, patterned!.

  • Gyaku Hammi:  Opposite stance (If Uku's right foot is forward, Nage's left foot is ahead. If Uke's left foot is forward, Nage's right foot is ahead.)

  • Gi:  Training suit.

  • Gaeshi:  Tossing.

  • gammae:  Gard, main stance.

  • -Gi:  To clothes.

  • Gokyoo:  Fifth Control.

  • Gyaku:  Opposite.

Nebi Vural Sensei ve Cevdet Yıldız Sensei aynı karede.


  • Hakama:  Aikido formal wear, similar to the long skirt worn by advanced Aikido students.

  • Stud farm:  A person's center of gravity is where Ki is stored, located four fingers below the navel.

  • Hanmi:  Triangular stance. Many Aikido techniques are practiced with predetermined stances of UKE and NAGE. This is to learn techniques and stance principles against attacks. Certain at higher levels  Hanmi  stances become more important.

  • Hanmi Handachi:  It is the position where Nage is sitting and Uke is standing. Larger or taller competitors for technical practice practice  Hanmi Handachiwaza  It is a very good form of education.

  • Hidari:  Left.

  • Happo:  8 directions. Happo - Undo (8 direction exercises) and Happo - Giri (8 direction cutting with the sword.) What it really means is to be able to move in all directions. In Aikido, one must be prepared to turn in any direction at any moment.

  • Hiji:  Elbow.

  • Hint:  Don't twist, don't twist.

  • Handachi:  Half stance.

Öğrenciler tatami üzerinde ısınma hareketleri yaparken


  • Ikkyo:  A method of control by twisting the opponent's arm and simultaneously applying pressure to the elbow

  • Irimi: Introduction to the technique without collision.

Dojoda ders esnasında çekilmiş bir kare.


  • jo:  Stick about 125cm long.

  • Jo-kata:  Throwing techniques with Jo.

  • Jo-tori: Neutralize the attack with Jo.

  • Jiyu:  Free, free.

  • Jutsu: Art.

  • Jodan:  Up position.  Jodan No Kamae  It is a stance in which the hands or the weapon, if any, are held in a high position.

  • Jiyuwaza:  Studying techniques in free style; This work is usually in the form of multiple people attacking Nage in the desired direction.

Nebi Vural Sensei Agatsu Dojoda öğrencilere anlatım yaparken


  • Kaiten:  Spin like a wheel.

  • Kaiten Nage:  Wind shaft launch, spin around.

  • Kamae:  The state of being ready, encounter, confrontation.

  • Kaeshi:  Contra, don't come back.

  • Kata:  Formation of techniques; Shoulder.

  • Kata Dori: Shoulder hold.

  • Kosadori:  Cross hand grip.

  • Category:  Grab the other person's wrist with one hand.

  • Katate Dori Morote Mochi:  Don't hold one wrist with both hands.

  • Ken:  Sword.

  • Kihon:  The basic thing. In Aikido in general, the same technique can be done in many ways that seem very different. It is necessary to understand Kihon well in order to learn what lies behind the superficial features of the techniques, to grasp the foundation, that is, the core.

  • Ku:  Space. The direct awareness of this void is enlightenment. The development of clarity of consciousness in this Aikido is to respond quickly and instinctively to changing situations.

  • Kyu:  White belt level /rank / 6 degrees up to SHODAN (1st DAN).

  • Keiko:  Education. Aikido is also the only secret of training.

  • Ken:  Sword.



  • mae:  Front. Mae Ukemi forward fall, circular fall.

  • Masagatsu:  True victory.

  • MaAi:  Regular spacing, divergence and timing should be relative to the opponent. Since aikido techniques can be applied differently according to changing situations, it should be calculated in advance what effect the distance from the opponent in the starting position will have on the timing and the application of the technique.

  • Migi:  Right.

  • Mudansha:  Student without a black degree.

  • Mokkuso and Meditation:  Meditation. Work generally begins and ends within a meditation period. The purpose of meditation is to clear one's mind and develop conscious caution. Perhaps more important than that, meditation allows him to renew or change his settled thoughts and actions, or eliminate them, or use moments more effectively. Ideally, one should carry the concentration and consciousness gained during meditation to work. Thus, the consciousness gained in meditation collapses in the separation between intelligence and normal consciousness, intelligence.

Nebi Vural Sensei ile seminerde çekilmiş bir kare


  • Nage:  The person to whom the attack was made.

  • Nage:  A person who throws a nage.

  • Nagaree:  Flow. One of the goals of aikido is to learn not to respond to physical force with physical force. The main thing is to try to flow (move) by redirecting it in the direction of its applied power to its advantage.

  • Nikki:  Wrist curl technique.

Öğrenciler antrenman sonrası Agatsu Dojoda soğuma yaparken


  • O Sensei:  Founder of Aikido (Morihei Ueshiba 1883, 1969)

  • omote:  Front side. In Aikido, it is called the class of moves that Nage enters in front of Uke.

  • Obi:  Belt.

  • Onegaishimasu:  Will you work with me (said to the matched person when starting the exercise)

  • Osea Waza:  Immobilizing techniques.

  • Oyouwaza:  The solution produced for the moment in the technique.

Agatsu Dojoda antrenman sırasında çekilmiş bir kare


  • Randori:  Free attack work.

  • Randori:  Freestyle education. It is sometimes used as a synonym for Jiyu Waza. Although Aikido is usually practiced with one person, it is very important to keep in mind the possibility of being attacked by more than one person. All body movements in Aikido (Tai Sabakis) allow defending against more than one attack.

  • Ryote Dori: Two wrist grabs.

  • Ryote mochi:  Two-handed grip.

  • Ryoku:  Strength.

Agatsu Dojo öğrencisi


  • Sankyo:  Wrist bending technique.

  • seiza:  The official Japanese sitting position in the Dojo.

  • Shiho Nage:  Four-way launch.

  • Shoda O Seizu:  First mover prevention and control.

  • Sho Dan:  Starting grade.

  • Sodedori:  Holding the dress at elbow level.

  • Sodeguchidori:  Holding the garment by the armhole.

  • Shomen Uchi:  A thrust or blow made from above towards the front of the head, a sword strike.

  • shikaku:  dead angle. A position where it is very difficult for the opponent to continue his attack and you can easily control the movement and balance of your opponent. The first stage of Aikido is to place Shikaku.

  • Shikko:  Samurai (laptop) gait. Shikko, developing a strong Hara (center of gravity) consciousness is very important. It also strengthens the hips and feet.

Cevdet Yıldız Sensei Agatsu Dojo'da ken ile


  • Taijutsu:  Body arts, unarmed practice.

  • Thai No Henko /  Tai No Tenkan: Simple turns involving a 180-degree turn. (blending practice)

  • Tai Sabaki:  Body movements.

  • Takasumu Aiki:  It is a motto of the founder of aiki (the harmony of spirit, intelligence and universal energy) meaning the endless (endless) productive martial art. So a synonym for Aikido. The scope of aikido is not limited to the named, standard techniques that a person regularly practices in practice. On the contrary, when the more fundamental principles infuse Kihon with these standard techniques, it is possible to create an infinite number and variety of new Aikido techniques to suit the new conditions.

  • Te:  hand.

  • Tegetana:  Hand sword or edge of hand. Many Aikido movements emphasize alignment and extension with one's Tegetana. At the same time, there are important similarities between the Aikido sword technique and the practice of Tegetana.

  • Taiso (undo):  Exercise.

  • Tanto:  Knife, Short sword.

  • Tenchi Nage:  Earth-sky launch.

Nebi Vural Sensei ile bir kare


  • Ura:  Back is a class of Aikido techniques performed by going behind the attacker. Ura techniques are sometimes called Tenksn (turning) techniques.

  • Uchi Desi:  The student who lives inside the Dojo and is dedicated to teaching, maintaining and cleaning the Dojo (sometimes also helps the Sensei of the dojo with his personal affairs).

  • Ude:  Arm.

  • Uke: Attacker or thrown by Nage; buying direction.

  • Uke:  Rolling or falling when thrown.

  • Ushiro:  Back or back.

  • Uchi:  Don't hit, drink, inside.

  • Undo:  Movement, exercise.

  • Ura:  Rear (Ushiro).

Agatsu Dojo'nun girişinden bir kare


  • Waza:  technique or art.

Agatsu Dojo'da öğrenciler ısınma hareketleri yaparken


  • Yokomen:  The side of the head.

  • Yokomen Uchi:  A hit to the side of the head.

  • Yonkyoo:  Fourth control.

  • Yosei:  Development.

  • Yudansha:  Ranked person.

Agatsu Dojo'da öğrenciler soğuma hareketleri yaparken


  • Zanshin:  Mind stopping.

  • Zaho:  sitting method.

  • Zori:  Sandals worn outside the cushion.

Fikirtepe Mah. Bahtli Sok. A-172,
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