Osensei Morihei Ueshiba
Founder of Aikido.
Born on November 14, 1883, in Tanabe, Wakayama Prefecture, Ueshiba was the fourth child and eldest son of his father, Yoroku Ueshiba, who was a Farmer. After the age of seven, Ueshiba was sent to Jizodera, a Shingon Buddhist temple in their area, to learn Confucian classics and Buddhist texts. He graduated from Tanebe High Primary School at the age of 13 and enrolled in a public secondary school. However, he later left and went to the Yoshida Abacus Institute, where he graduated and started working in the Tanabe tax office. He later returned to Tanabe after doing business in Tokyo and married Hotsu Itokawa, whom he knew from childhood. He joined the army in 1903. Here he was nicknamed "King of Soldiers" for his bayonet technique, hard work and honesty. He participated in the Russian war and was promoted to the rank of sergeant with outstanding success. In his spare time in the military, he attended the Nakai Dojo in Sakai, learning the Jiu-jitsu style of the Yagyu-ryu Goto school.
He left the army in 1907 and returned to his family and became the leader of the Young Men's Society. During this period, his father received Judoka Kiyoichi Takagi, who came to Tanabe. He hired Ueshiba to tutor and turned the farm barn into a dojo. ueshiba Here he learned Kodakan style Judo. Same time to the Nakai dojo continued and He received a diploma from his Goto school. ueshiba He participated in many local actions until 1912. Later they settled in Shirataki with a group of 80 people to settle on the island of Hokkaido. Together with those who settled here, they put up a great struggle under difficult natural conditions to make the very bad land a livable place. During this period the famous Daito-ryu He met his master Sokaku Takeda and as a result of intensive study Daito-ryu Jijutsu received a diploma. He returned to Tanebe for his father towards the middle of 1919. He decided to enter a more spiritual life with Onisaburo Deguchi, who was the pioneer of the new religion Omoto-kyo and famous for his Chinkon Kishin, and remained with Onisaburo until 1928. However, the death of his father in 1920 was a huge blow to Ueshiba and he entered a period of emotional wobble. During this time Onisaburonu did various spiritual exercises. He set up a Dojo here and began teaching beginner martial arts to Omoto-kyo followers. Meanwhile, the work in his Dojo was in full swing and the reputation of a very good martial artist was spreading around. While continuing to train at the Ueshiba Dojo, he took over the management of about nine hundred tsubo in the Tennodaira area, where he farmed. Meanwhile, he realized that there was a close relationship between agriculture and martial arts. It was his belief in the existence of a theme very close to his heart and one that would repeat in his life. After this point ueshiba he began to carry out his martial arts studies in a more spiritual character. This is slowly Yagyu-ryu and daito-ryu jijutsu He helped him move away from his traditions and break down the barriers between mind, soul and body by creating his own unique approach in which he used proven principles and techniques. In 1922, this approach was officially "Aiki-Bujutsu" took its name, but in public in general Ueshiba-Ryu Aiki-Bujutsu was called.
In 1924, together with Onisaburo, they went to Manchuria with the dream of a new and religious world government, but they were taken prisoner by Chinese troops. While awaiting execution, they escaped through the Japanese Consulate and returned to Japan. He continued his martial arts studies while continuing his life as a farmer again from where he left off. Meanwhile, although he was interested in Sojutsu (Spear Technique), he continued his sword and Jiujutsu studies.
In the spring of 1925, he accepted a fight invitation from a naval captain and a Kendo Master (Swordsman) and defeated him before the fight even started. Because he could unbelievably feel where the sword was going to land. Immediately after this encounter, he felt the serenity between the soul and the body where he went to wash and had an interesting experience. He felt suddenly bathed in a golden light, it was a unique experience for him, a discovery, and it was like rebirth. At the same time, the unity of the universe and the person became clear to him, One by one, he began to understand the philosophical principles on which AIKIDO was based. In this way the creation of Aiki-Bujutsu in its place Aiki Budo decided it should be named (Instead of the word jutsu Do adding the word aiki transforms the meaning of martial art into the meaning of lifestyle.)
Aiki Budo The more he became known, the more privileged he began to be of interest to many. Among them was Admiral Isamu Takeda and He invited Ueshiba to the royal palace and asked him to perform there, and Ueshiba stayed in the palace for twenty-one days. in October 1930 creator of judo and Forerunner of Kodokan Jigaro Kano, He visited Ueshiba and was impressed by his art, and invited two of his students. aikido about to work He sent it to Ueshiba. In April 1931, full capacity and 80 people Aiki-Budo Dojo Kobukan officially opened in Wakamatsu-cho, where the central dojo is today. In 1932, the Japanese martial arts promotion society was founded and Morihei Ueshiba was brought in. In May 1933, Takeda Dojo, a full-time training hall, was established in Hyogo prefecture. Many people came here to receive training in the ideal combination of agriculture and martial arts. Now Morihei Ueshiba He became a well-known figure in the martial arts world. He is also a master in many traditional martial arts. Ueshiba, as his unique creation, "soul, mind and body" which is the "combination in Aiki" Aiki Budo also attracted the attention of the community.
in September 1939 ueshiba He was invited to Manchuria to perform a martial arts show. There he encountered Tenryu, a former Sumo wrestler, and defeated him with a single finger. Returning to Iwama ueshiba there on his behalf He began the construction of what he called the Aikido Ubuya (birth room) or holy place. Inside The magnificently carved complex with the AiBooks and an open Dojo was completed in 1944. in 1954 aikido headquartered in Tokyo and Tokyo Dojo Aikikai Foundation took its official name. THE DOJO OF AIKIDO HOMBU.
On February 28, 1961, he went to the USA at the invitation of Hawaii Aikikai, and during this visit he said, "I came to build a silver bridge. So far, I have tried to build a golden bridge that will unite my country in Japan, but from now on, it includes harmony and love. aikido I wish to build bridges that will bring different countries of the world together," he said on January 15, 1969. Attended Ueshiba Hombu Dojo's new year celebrations.
Although he looked quite healthy, his physical condition gradually deteriorated and he returned to his essence at 17:00 on the evening of April 26, 1969.